Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cutting the Cost of Thanksgiving

1. Clip those coupons. Check the sales fliers before you do your grocery shopping to locate your meal items. Many stores are placing many of their holiday meal items on sale, just to get you in their door. Most stores place their sales flier on line.
2. Look for the deals. They should be at their height over the coming weekend.
3. If you didn't get a head start on picking up your dinner for your Thanksgiving meal, start early next year. This way, you won't have a huge grocery bill all at once.
4. Clear space for your dinner items that will be pre-made, and for leftovers after the dinner. Getting a head start will enable you to eat those cleared away items, and prevent you from throwing them away last minute.Your turkey will need to be removed and placed in your refrigerator compartment this weekend.
5. Start planning your cooking schedule now, and be certain you have all your ingredients. This will prevent last minute stops at the Quick Stop for costly ingredients.
6. Don’t choose recipes with expensive, out-of-season, or rare ingredients that will require you to stop at a dozen stores.
7. Stick to the basics. Making several side dishes to please each family member, gets ridiculous and expensive.
8. Make foods from scratch. Avoiding convenience foods, such as packaged pie shells, canned soup broths, biscuit mixes, and canisters of stuffing, will save you a surprising amount of money.  
9. Keep your decorations simple.

With a little planning, you can have a frugal Thanksgiving that you’ll remember fondly for many years to come. Remember, being frugal is a good character trait. It's when you're a cheapskate that you have a problem.

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