Monday, February 15, 2010

Getting a Reluctant Spouse Onboard With Budgeting

The Reluctant Spouse
For years I have taught that spouses must work together on their finances. One of the most consistent questions I get on our radio show and in letters is, "How do I get my spouse to join me in working on the money?"

Many men are really frustrated with wives who act like spoiled little girls who just want their stuff and want it now (red-faced and lip in pouting position)! Many more women are frustrated, angry and deeply resentful of men who refuse to help make decisions about money, leaving the women to shoulder the responsibility single-handedly.

Most Nerds, whether men or women, enjoy the task of building the plan, but deeply resent being left to do all the grown-up work on their own, especially if it means having to tolerate a spouse who persists in childish attitudes toward money. This may sound as though I'm being mean, but I'm not. I have seen way too many marriages damaged by one spouse financially abandoning the other, so I am being frank. (Read more)

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