Thursday, December 16, 2010


When you want to live frugally, downsizing your home is putting your lifestyle beliefs to the test. I know at least 5 families personally who have sold their big home with a big mortgage, in order to live within their means.

When each of them selected their home with the big mortgage, they were living with a different mindset. They believed that big was better, and it suited their wants at the time. However, after a few years of living with the big mortgage, they decided they didn't want to live a life full of financial pressure. They also realized that most of the them would still be paying the big mortgage well into their retirement years.

If your children have moved away and you now have an empty nest, or if you have too many financial pressures keeping the house and mortgage up, you may consider downsizing. The housing market is full of foreclosures and many of them are suitable places to live. If your husband doesn't want to put your house on the market, then pray that the Lord will change his heart. Moving toward financial freedom is the place you want to be.

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