Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Going Au Naturale

I have come to believe that there is a cost for not living your life naturally. There is a cost for wearing make up, eating foods with chemicals and preservatives, having tattoos and body piercings, and a number of others. Using the birth control pill is on the top of my list, mainly because it is against God's plan for the marriage union. It is just another way that we place trust in ourselves and put confidence in a pill for the future.

In 2006, a major U.S. study proved that oral contraceptives increase the risk of breast cancer by an average of 44 percent. [1] More recently, a surgeon explained that the extra estrogen received by taking the pill not only encourages excessive multiplication of breast tissue - usually a normal occurrence in the menstruation cycle - but, when metabolized, can also directly damage breast tissue DNA. The surgeon called oral contraceptives a "molotov cocktail" for young womens breasts.

In 2009, the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center found that women starting the pill before 18 nearly quadruple their risk of triple negative breast cancer. Even more shocking, a Swedish oncologist concluded that pill use before the age of 20 increases a young woman’s breast cancer risk by more than 1000 percent.[2]

Why aren't the statistics of the pill spoken about in the media? The information is controlled because:
  1. Big pharma would take a loss.
  2. Feminists want women in control of their own bodies, even if it can kill them in the long run.
  3. It's a method of controlling population growth.
  4. Eliminating the pill doesn't go with today's agenda.
It's not as though the women who take the pill are ignorant of its danger. The pill package comes with literature that warns them of the cancer and blood clots, and they apparently feel they are immune to the side effects. Although not all breast cancer is caused by the pill, but it is a contributor to the high numbers. Makes going au naturale more appealing, doesn't it.

A Shady History
If most Christian women looked closer at the history of birth control, they wouldn't practice it. The Church was totally opposed to the use of contraception to control family size. But as early as 1825, Richard Carlile was released from prison, after being sentenced for blasphemy and seditious libel in 1819, and returned to publishing newspapers. Carlile was a strong supporter of women's rights. He argued that "equality between the sexes" should be the objective of all reformers. Carlile wrote articles in his newspapers suggesting that women should have the right to vote and be elected to Parliament. In 1826 he also published Every Woman's Book, which advocated birth control and the sexual emancipation of women. [3]

Then in 1877, Annie Besant and Charles Bradlaugh decided to publish The Fruits of Philosophy written by Charles Knowlton, a book that advocated birth control. Most people today don't realize that Annie Besant was the President of the Theosophical Society, otherwise known today as the New Age Movement, which is the occult. She was also a Fabian Socialist, and had a vision of a one world government. [4] [5] (Read more)

Midway through 20th century, the stage was set for the development of a hormonal contraceptive. The pill received FDA approval in 1960, but the same mentality of the radicals was there. Need I say more?

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