Saturday, November 28, 2009

Homeschooling & Socialism

(WorldNetDaily) - Is homeschooling compatible with socialism and vice-versa? Apparently not, for homeschooling means parental control of education, and that is anathema to socialists.

The most important institution in a socialist society is a government-owned and -controlled education system in which children can be indoctrinated to willingly accept state control of their lives. Public-school teachers are not freedom fighters. They are government employees who must obey the mandates of the state.

In a socialist system, the state owns the children. Parents are merely breeders, and since homeschoolers tend to like large families, the population-control socialists will no doubt try to abolish homeschooling.

In communist Russia, which was known as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the state owned the means of production and just about everything else. Farmers could not own their own land. They were forced to work on collective farms, totally subservient to the dictates of the government. In fact, the government was called the Dictatorship of the Proletariat. The official religion was atheism. That perverse regime lasted 75 years and finally collapsed because it was so completely at odds with human nature. (Read more)

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