Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thrifty Tip - Money Saving Household Tips - A Review

Food: Buy larger (and less expensive) quantities. This will also save you gas money by not running to the store as frequently.

Food: Use less "convenience" items and spend a few minutes more on preparation. It may taste better too!

Groceries: Consider "store" brands or generics. Check and compare the ingredients and nutritional information with the more expensive name brands--they are often nearly identical.

Groceries: If you really do prefer the name brands, make certain that you are clipping and using coupons. Check out CoolSavings for lots of coupons, free samples and more.

Auto Insurance: Don't just automatically pay your  Compare prices between companies at the renewal time.

Homeowners Insurance: Consider increasing your deductible to save on your premium. Make certain that you have the best policy for your situation. You can get quotes from multiple agents and brokers at

Utilities: Check alternate long distance phone plans. Every carrier seems to have a special may be overpaying with your current one. 

Utilities: Monitor your thermostat. Adjust it at night and while you are away from the house. You may want to consider an automatic thermostat which will do the work for you.

Utilities: Change your furnace filter monthly. They are inexpensive and a clean filter can mean less work for the furnace and more efficient heating and cooling.

Utilities: If you are subscribing to cable television, cancel them and save money. Consider watching new programming over the internet. Your computer can be wired up so that the tv screen is functioning as a monitor.

Purchases: Comparison shop via the newspaper or the Internet, especially on big-ticket items (appliances, computers, etc.)

Entertainment: Eat at home.

Entertainment: Rent a video for $3.00 instead of spending the $25 to $40 it costs to take a family to the movie theater. Try out Netflix. They have a huge selection of movies that can viewed on your computer via the internet or by DVD at home.

Miscellaneous: Ditch the cigarettes!

On your own: Spend a minute thinking about your personal situation and see if there isn't an area where you can save a few dollars.

~Adapted from a post on